Friday, October 30, 2009

The Well-Timed Houseguest

Well. look at what's come to visit my little abode, in perfect time for haunting fesitivities!

This guy has been hard at work building a web in a corner of one of the big windows in the living room- on the outside, thank goodness! According to Wikipedia, it's a garden cross spider, and they're relatively common in our neck of the woods. I've never seen one this close and personal though, and it's somehow fascinating.

I'd guess the thorax length at about half an inch, with a 2-inch legspan from front to rear. The web is beautiful, and fills the entire upper left corner of our window. It's hard to see in most lights unless you look from just the right angle, but this guy has done a fine job of weaving! As a fellow craftsperson, I can appreciate the skill...

But he better not stay all winter, unless he wants to help with the ladybeetles that are taking over inside my house. Blech.

Anyways- are you guys doing anything for Halloween? Taking little ones out for the candy collecting, or donning crazy costumes for a party? We're just staying in and watching scary movies on Netflix- maybe I'll make some popcorn balls. Yum!


Monday, October 26, 2009

A Bead Love Affair

Wow, it's been a little too long since I've posted something... I'm currently taking a bit of a breather between shows. My next one isn't until November 7th, and it's a tiny space so I don't have to worry about being able to fill it with merchandise. Just posting on Etsy, and working on my website, and...

trying not to buy any more beads. Yes, I'll admit it: I have an addiction to beads. (And lipgloss, but that's another post, lol.) Mostly just sparkly glass ones- I'm not as attracted to opaque or unfaceted styles. I love gemstones, but only really transparent, high-grade, expensive ones... so I don't use them in my flowers. And occasionally pearls.

See, I have plenty; I don't need to buy more. I need to find fun new combinations of the ones I already have in my (overflowing) stash. And I certainly can't buy another tackle box to store them in . There's no more space on that wall, and I have a teeny tiny studio space as it is.

I'm pretty good at keeping them organized... Here's my drawer of bagged "mixed lots." --->
Because each one of my flowers only takes a few beads, I tend to buy beads in mixed packages so I get a wider selection over time. It works well, except when I'm short just one bead to complete a pattern. But it forces me to stay creative, I guess!

This is my absolute favorite bag of beads. It cost me a pretty penny, but a lovely bead seller on Etsy handpicked through her supplies to find a ton of metallic, AB, and luster finished beads for me. I get excited every time I dump the bag out to find a combination for another flower. Just thinking about it gets my creative juices flowing! I'm looking forward to running this bag low, because it means it's time for another one! =)

Ah, and here are a couple of flowers that need their beadwork done, so it's time to leave you dear readers and return to work. Thanks for stopping by!
