Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome to the Green Room!

It's just starting to snow outside, and the winter storm warnings say we can expect 3 to 6 inches before it stops. It's the perfect time to start a blog, with my kitty at my feet and a steaming cup of flavored coffee at my elbow. So welcome, and I hope you enjoy my little ramblings about life both IRL and in cyberland.

This post is dedicated to... COOKIES!

My husband's family has a cookie-baking day every year before Christmas, and this is the first year I'll be able to participate. (Retail jobs have prevented me in previous years from taking a Sunday off in December.) We have our list planned, and our day saved, and now we just need to dig out the recipe cards and shop for ingredients. My favorite are the toffee bars and the divinity, and I've gone through the trouble of finding recipes just for you!

A good example of toffee bars- I love anything with coconut!

Easy Divinity recipe

Do you have any favorite cookie traditions? I'd love to hear them!